Sitem-insel is the Swiss Institute for Translational Medicine and Entrepreneurship (Swiss Institute for Translational...

The University Hospital Basel is one of the leading medical centers in Switzerland with internationally recognized...

As a long-standing customer, Novartis is committed to keeping pace with technological progress and to using the latest...

Novartis, headquartered in Basel, employs around 11,300 associates in Switzerland and has achieved...

Novartis is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies and is taking innovative science and technology to...

The Selecta Group, which has been headquartered in Switzerland since 1957, is Europe's leading supplier of coffee and...

We have already realized various projects for our long-standing client. At the Leuenhof in Zurich, we were...

Thanks to our long-standing partnership, we are regularly allowed to carry out audio/video installations at Bernmobil...

Kilchenmann was able to execute the exciting order for the integration of the audiovisual system in the Vi-Lab room.

For our long-standing client, the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, we have already realized various...