Kilchenmann brought the Council of States Hall up to date with the latest audio technology.

In a tender process, Kilchenmann was awarded the contract for the implementation of the replacement of the two...

Due to the current situation, the St. Gallen Cantonal Council had to switch to an alternative location, namely the Olma exhibition hall in...

Architect Michael Lengacher reports in an interview on how productive the collaboration with Kilchenmann is.

The modernization of the Swiss parliament building was planned by WSDG and implemented by Kilchenmann. The...

Kilchenmann was commissioned by Aebi & Vincent Architekten SIA AG, for the specialist planning of the audiovisual system for the pop-up...

Interview with Sabrina Fuhrer, Head of Course Management. Implementation of a complete digital signage solution at the...

The sporting goods manufacturer Scott Sports has been writing success stories for decades. Under the leadership of the Bern-based CEO...

In Steinhausen, MB Auto Center Zug AG is setting new standards as a Mercedes-Benz dealership in the areas of...