Short history and introduction video! From radio TV dealer to Switzerland's leading company for professional radio and...
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Your partner for innovative media and communication solutions. From radio TV dealer to Switzerland's leading company for professional audio and video technology.Latest posts

The Berghaus Niesen-Kulm with its glass pavilion at 2,332 meters above sea level offers an unmistakable backdrop and is a...

How we have missed concerts, poetry slams and football matches in the stadium. Business conferences and...

Chicken skin feeling. Full of emotion. Exuberant. Cheerful. This is how the new BernExpo event format can be briefly...

Know-how, equipment and platform: At Kilchenmann, ASUT received all services for its hybrid online event from a single...

As part of the relocation of several ETH Executive Board departments to the "Octavo" building in Zurich-Oerlikon, the...

Thanks to an existing collaboration, the contract for the studio construction and the renewal of the AV technology was awarded to...

We were awarded the contract for the VIP executive offices in Bern in a competitive tendering process.

Kilchenmann AG has maintained a long-term partnership with Casino Bern since its modernization in 2011.

Following the planning contract, Kilchenmann was also able to take on the installation for this project.