Audio technology and video direction for Komenda - Lokremise St. Gallen

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 24 September 2020

Industrial hall with screen, camera for livestream and bike on the wall.

Komenda AG, manufacturer of own-brand bicycles and wholesaler of bicycles, bike parts and bicycle accessories from St. Gallen, can look back on a company history spanning more than a century. 

Under the motto "MY2021", the company held the annual customer event virtually for the first time in the Corona year.

The Komenda customer event was all about Corona, because the event, which usually takes place physically, was held in hybrid form for the first time this year - i.e. in a combination of livestream and live event with around 40 guests on site in the Lokremise in St. Gallen. The Kilchenmann Event and Rental Service team was on site as a technical partner and ensured the smooth running of the entire production - and put the exclusive bikes in the right (spotlight) light.


A bicycle is not the same as a PowerPoint presentation

In addition to 3 television cameras, the Kilchenmann team delivered and installed various displays, microphones, spotlights, loudspeakers and video direction - and provided support throughout the day and during two live streams, including a chat function. In contrast to live streams of conferences or business events, this event was not simply about playing in pre-produced content or PowerPoint presentations, on the contrary. Kilchenmann project manager Walter Kunz explains: "The presentation of a real product, which is to be shown from all sides and explained in detail, requires first and foremost professional cameramen who have to react spontaneously to the person presenting - all the more so because the client is not used to presenting mostly to the camera and at the same time addressing the guests present directly." The Kilchenmann team mastered the challenge with flying colours and the entire event went off without a hitch. One more satisfied customer.

From live streaming and webcasting to audio, conference, video and lighting technology and fireworks - Kilchenmann Event & Rental Service is your trusted partner.

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