Swiss parliament renews audio technology

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, April 29, 2020

Reference picture Federal Palace Bern

The modernization of the Swiss parliament building was planned by WSDG and implemented by Kilchenmann. The high-quality components were supplied by the renowned Berlin-based manufacturer Stage Tec.


Stage Tec, Film-TV-Video (the portal for film, TV, video | technology info, tests and more), 6.04.2020


Stage Tec, the Berlin-based manufacturer of professional audio technology, has supplied three ON AIR flex mixing consoles, two NEXUS STAR routers and a NEXUS network to replace the audio technology in the parliament building in Bern. Technology from Stage Tec that had been installed in the parliament since 2011 was replaced: an ON AIR 24 and a NEXUS network. The modernization in the Swiss parliament building was planned by WSDG and carried out by Kilchenmann AG.

The three ON AIR flex were installed in the National Council Chamber, the Council of States Chamber and the largest committee room. The mixing consoles are used there for recording debates, sound reinforcement, multilingual operation (German, French, Italian) and connecting the SRG (Swiss Broadcasting Corporation).

The NEXUS network from 2011 was completely replaced and now consists of eight base devices and two geo-redundant routers. "We opted for NEXUS again because operational security and reliability are top priorities for our customer and NEXUS meets all requirements. Uninterruptible redundancy was one of the main reasons for renewing the audio technology. In addition, NEXUS is very flexible in its modular design and thanks to Logic Control, all of Parliament's wishes could be fulfilled," explains Thomas Jud, Head of Engineering at Kilchenmann.

NEXUS MADI connections are used to connect decentralized broadcasting stations live or via a control room in Zurich. In addition, broadcasts from parliament can be followed as live streams on the Internet in three national languages.

NEXUS handles not only audio routing but also various control and monitoring tasks. For example, the programmable Logic Control software activates the light rings on the microphones in use, monitors the levels of the signal paths to the external systems and forwards any error messages and statuses to the AMX control system.


Supplement Kilchenmann AG

All systems have been designed to enable integration with UC components such as Skype for Business.

Connections and options are also available for events to make optimum use of the halls or to expand them with additional equipment - e.g. for the musical accompaniment of an event with live music and singing.

The interpreting booths and audio signals can be linked with each other (National Council Chamber, Council of States Chamber and Commission Room 301) to expand capacity.

Reference picture Federal Palace Bern
Reference picture Federal Palace Bern

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