Council meetings in remote or hybrid mode

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 09 December 2020

Hand on display that virtually tunes

Kilchenmann offers the most user-friendly way to enable remote delegates to participate in Council meetings.

The remote participant is integrated into the session as if he/she were physically present. By emulating the discussion and voting unit of a conference system, participation also becomes a normal session unit for the chair.

See, hear, speak, vote

  • When a remote participant presses their virtual microphone button, their voice becomes part of the Council debate and is present for everyone to hear
  • If the person is in the council chamber, a standard conference unit is used
  • When participating from a remote station, your own notebook becomes the conference unit
  • During voting, the results are collected, displayed and evaluated. Regardless of whether the participant takes part in the council chamber or at home
  • For the chair, the audience, the recording and the live streaming system, there is no difference in participation and operation









Public, but safe!

The connection between the council room, the (cloud) server and the remote users is a closed loop. No other internet service, connection or interface is used.

The (cloud) server and remote users do not store any delegated or personal data.

Only the council chamber host receives and stores the agenda, the parliamentarians' data and their speaking and voting behavior.

A connection to the (cloud) distribution server is only required to enable remote delegates to participate. This connection can be disconnected at any time if the room is to be used in conventional standalone mode without hybrid equipment.



  • High-quality, high bandwidth internet connection (5Mbit Up - 1Mbit Down / subscriber)
  • Cloud (Azure, AWS, OVH)
  • Or "On Prem" (7Mbit Up - 1Mbit Down / subscriber)
Remote participants:
  • Standard notebook with webcam and headset (1Mbit up - 2Mbit down / participant)
Hybrid operation in the council chamber:
  • Support currently only for BOSCH systems

What requirements must the workstation in the council chamber meet?

  • Min. 4 CPU Core (Xeon / Core i5/i7/i9)
  • Min. 16GByte RAM
  • Min. Nvidia P2200 or Nvidia Quatro RTX 4000
  • Windows 10 Pro
  • Dante Virtual Soundcard or USB Dante Sound Adapter



IMPLEMENTATION: Ask for an implementation of your current solution and for a special programming of your advice process. We will be happy to provide you with a customized offer.


Frequently asked questions

How many delegates are currently supported?

Up to 100 remote users and more than 500 delegates in the council chamber.

What about security?
All data traffic is encrypted. Only delegates present in the conference system can access the meeting. Participants can only access it via a personal invitation from the conference system. The delegate can only participate as long as the meeting is open for remote participants. With a single click, the access of a single connected user can be immediately revoked, which immediately disconnects the remote participant.

What about privacy?
The solution is basically a closed system. Data is only stored on the room PC / workstation. Neither the cloud server nor the remote participant store any personal information (only the invitation ID). Since the council can host the Connect server itself, it can add additional security and privacy measures by embedding VPN and login methods into this overall system. Only if the end client decides to make the meeting public by recording the meeting, recording the meeting metadata and / or sending the live video to a streaming platform will the delegates' details be known to the outside world.


Do you have any questions or would you like to speak to a professional?

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