Parliamentary Service of the Canton of Basel-Stadt

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 04 March 2025

Parliamentary Service of the Canton of Basel-Stadt

The Grand Council of the Canton of Basel-Stadt is the cantonal parliament of Basel-Stadt in Switzerland. It meets in Basel City Hall and is the legislative and supreme supervisory authority of the canton. Its meetings usually take place twice a month, are open to the public and are also broadcast live online via the Grand Council's website. 


Initial situation/requirements:

From 2025, the Basel-Stadt Grand Council will offer the option of hybrid participation in its sessions on a statutory basis. Under certain circumstances, Basel parliamentarians can also take part in votes from abroad - for example during statutory maternity or paternity leave or in the event of illness.

Kilchenmann planned and implemented this innovative technical solution, which ensures seamless interaction with words, images and voting via a single web application. The hybrid extension builds on the voting system already implemented by Kilchenmann in 2023 and supplements it with modern, flexible participation options.

Technical concept:

The solution is based on a secure web platform that combines voice and video communication with an integrated voting function. Modern web technologies are used for low-latency audio and video transmission, while encrypted connections guarantee the highest security standards.

Delegates who are authorized to attend in absentia only need an email invitation and a webcam for authentication. They first enter a virtual waiting room before the parliamentary services approve their participation. They can follow the debates live via a user-friendly interface and cast their vote directly via the system at the touch of a button - although speeches are not permitted.

The hybrid voting solution was seamlessly integrated into the existing system. This reliably ensures the protocol and live transmission.

The voting behavior of the hybrid delegates is continuously monitored via recordings. These recordings are archived and can be viewed again at any time.

The ease of use and compliance with current data protection and security requirements guarantee a high level of acceptance and a future-proof solution.


To the article: Switzerland up to date - Voting in absentia

Parliamentary Service of the Canton of Basel-Stadt
Parliamentary Service of the Canton of Basel-Stadt

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