Live stream as an alternative to the planned event

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 03 March 2020


Events despite coronavirus - live stream, webcast or video conference. There are temporary alternatives for the planned general meeting, seminar or larger event.


There are alternatives to canceling

The drastic measures taken by the federal government on March 17, 2020 have made the lockdown a reality in Switzerland. Working from home, where possible, has been decreed and will be part of everyday life for an indefinite period. To ensure that direct communication with your audience continues to work, you need the right tools and platforms and, of course, the right know-how,  

This refers to live streaming, webcasting or temporary video conferencing solutions. Ideally, various options are available for holding an event, even in combination.

Is your event also affected?

As a long-standing technology partner of the Swiss Economic Forum and Swiss Innovation Forum, we have extensive experience with live streaming, webcasting and video conferencing technology.

We are happy to support you and your IT department with technical support or directly with the implementation of the live stream or webcast. On request, we can also prepare your recorded video for the relevant channels.

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Livestreaming / Webcast

Events do not necessarily have to be canceled. Thanks to options such as live streaming and/or webcasting, events can be transferred to other locations.

By means of live camera, the event ishe event is streamed in real time - whether on the intranet, on a special website, via a social media channel or several at the same time. In some cases, it is also sufficient to transmit the live stream to another room. If the If the bandwidth of the internal network is too limited depending on the location, an event or podium can also be transmitted live via a 4G/5G router (or several bundled together for redundancy) or worldwide via satellite.

The stream can also be recorded and made available in a media library after the event. The advantage of this is that the event can still be watched afterwards. An additional, positive effect of online (live) streaming: the reach and therefore the level of awareness of an event can be increased.

If it is not a live stream, the event or presentation can easily be recorded as a webcast and made available to a wide audience.

Video conference

Internal company meetings can be held using common collaboration solutions such as Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams or Cisco Webex. If a meeting or event on a larger scale is canceled, it can be transmitted to several conference rooms using can be transmitted and split into several conference rooms using suitable video conferencing technology - display and professional camera. Here, too, the advantage is that those invited can participate remotely from their home office.

Special case General Meeting

Abridged from Der Bund, March 2, 2020, Holger Alich

In the case of an AGM where more than 1,000 participants are expected, the federal government should be contacted. "It may be necessary to consider splitting the AGM between different rooms/locations," recommends Pöschel, who is herself a board member at Implenia, Alcon and Graubündner Kantonalbank. In this scenario, a company must ensure that the AGM is broadcast simultaneously in all rooms, that tellers are present in each room and that electronic voting works.

Purely virtual general meetings, which are held entirely online without a physical meeting, are not yet permitted in Switzerland. However, no one has to travel to the meeting to exercise their rights. Votes can be transmitted to the proxy until shortly before the start of the AGM. "There are also various technical solutions that allow shareholders to submit motions and votes electronically from outside the company during the AGM," writes Pöschel. In this way, the proxy could also submit motions and votes for individual shareholders. 

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