Media technology for Zoom meetings at Berner Kantonalbank

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 04 May 2021

Director Media Conference BEKB

In January 2021, the Berner Kantonalbank BEKB presented its figures for the previous year via Zoom for the first time. 

This meeting was a highlight for BEKB and the media, as it meant that personal contact had been re-established for a long time and questions could even be asked via the chat wall. Kilchenmann was responsible for the technical conception, organization and implementation of this Zoom meeting.

BEKB chose Zoom as the platform for its conference. One of the reasons for this was to give the media representatives asking questions a face and to ensure two-way communication visually. Kilchenmann was subsequently responsible for the conception and organization of the Zoom conference as well as for the technical process. A five-person Kilchenmann team was present on site: the project manager, an audio technician, two video technicians (one was responsible for streaming and the other for communication between speakers and media professionals asking questions) and a trainee. The control room had already been set up in the conference room the day before. On the day of the conference, the Kilchenmann team was joined by a cameraman who was responsible for streaming and recording the media conference. In addition to the technical organization, Kilchenmann also supported BEKB with the visual design of the event, such as the appropriate placement of the logo in the background.

Corona protection concept

As the Kilchenmann team has gained a great deal of experience over the last twelve months in terms of protection concepts at virtual events, it was able to advise BEKB on the implementation. For example, the three speakers present were individually equipped with microphones, the specified minimum distance was always maintained and BEKB provided, among other things, separating Plexiglas walls.

Satisfied all round

BEKB was very satisfied with the Zoom meeting. According to feedback from the media, the virtual event was a complete success for BEKB - and therefore also for the Kilchenmann team. What is important here? It's actually quite simple: the Kilchenmann team listens, understands the customer's idea - and can therefore advise them correctly and recommend the right platform. It took around three weeks to organize this event, but it can also be done more quickly. Talk to us, we will be happy to advise you.

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Camera media conference BEKB
Director Media Conference BEKB

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