Balgrist University Hospital, Zurich

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 31 January 2019

Reference image Balgrist University Hospital, entrance area

Kilchenmann was commissioned for the procurement of a digital information and communication tool for patients and visitors in the entrance and waiting area as well as for the digital door signage.

The check-in terminals in the entrance area are barrier-free due to different heights. Self-check-in with the QR code is intuitive and easy to use with the large scanners. The patient can choose from four languages. The ticket received accompanies the patient during the entire stay and shows the way to the other wards (e.g. rheumatology waiting, etc.). The scheduling of appointments and the calling up of patients by doctors is done exclusively in the HIS system. Appointments, appointment types and patient status are transmitted via the HL7 interface. A display was installed in the waiting rooms of the polyclinic. This informs the patients about the ticket number called up and shortens the waiting time with information about the clinic. The doctors are assigned to the treatment rooms every morning in Qmatic Orchestra. The attending physician and the team assignment are then displayed on the digital door signs. After calling up the patient in the HIS system, this information is additionally supplemented with the ticket numbers. With this solution, the patient flow could be significantly accelerated and the outpatient admission effort reduced by 50%. One of three counters is now rarely needed.

As a digital signage solution, there is an 84 inch LCD display in the entrance area and the menus of the restaurants are shown on further LCD displays.


Reference image Balgrist University Hospital, waiting room
Reference image Balgrist University Hospital, door display

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