University of Basel, Kollegienhaus

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 06 October 2023

Reference University of Basel, Kollegienhaus

The University of Basel is a university with an international reputation for excellence in research and teaching. Founded in 1460, it can look back on a successful history of more than 550 years as the oldest university in Switzerland.



In the listed Kollegienhaus, built in 1939, the audiovisual infrastructure was renewed in three stages. The project was also the occasion for a spatial change that will enable more dynamic teaching and improve the learning environment on campus. Kilchenmann took over the responsibility for the entire media-technical planning and accompanied all stakeholders from the conceptual design, the overall project management, to the final handover into operation. Kilchenmann also provided the programming services (integration of AVoverIP with the applications room-to-room transmission and lecture recording into the university network). The AV renovation technology is a pilot project that will be incorporated into future construction projects.


Technical concept:

The nine lecture halls now feature large-screen or double projections. All rooms have been equipped with new lecterns with visualizers, wireless presentation systems and various connections for lecture recordings and hybrid events, among others. Media control, controllable line speakers, fixed and wireless microphones were also installed. The audio and video transmission, under the lecture halls and into the auditorium, is simple using AVoverIP systems.

The four large auditoriums are additionally equipped with cameras, USB AV bridges and control rooms including audio and video mixers.

The operating concept, especially for the auditorium, must be easy to use for everyone, even without support assistance, but also fulfill all the possibilities for high-profile, complex events that can be technically controlled by auditorium support from the control booth. For this reason, the auditorium has two modes of operation. If the operating mode "self-propelled mode" is selected, the lecturer can control his event himself via the media control system. In this mode, the control possibilities are limited to the most necessary. The second "event mode" must be controlled by an event technician. In this mode, an audio, video and light mixing console is available in the control room for operation.

The triple projection provides an impressive visual display of content, which can be transmitted via HDMI or wireless presentation system. Furthermore - based on an innovative acoustic concept (resonance room architecture) - a precisely calculated sound system was implemented, which guarantees an optimal sound quality. Due to the plastic-geometrical development and further formulation of the room sculpture, the sound of the auditorium has gained facettedness, transparency, warmth, stability and load-bearing capacity.

Likewise, the auditorium has additional microphones and an interpreter's booth (with connection for another mobile interpreting system). The custom-built lectern is equipped with a built-in rack, a visualizer and various connections.

Displays or projectors as well as wireless presentation systems and various connections for users were implemented in five meeting rooms.

The seminar rooms were equipped with displays, wireless presentation systems, visualizers (on media carts), key panels and various connections for the users. In order to enable hybrid use of three of the eight rooms, additional cameras, loudspeakers and microphone soundbars were used. The use takes place by means of "bring your own device".

Two 98-inch displays were installed in each of the Rainz and Faculty rooms. For optimal speech intelligibility, both rooms have a 360° loudspeaker. Wireless presentation systems, touch panels for control, visualizers and HDMI connections complete these installations.

The main foyer of the Kollegienhaus was equipped with projectors for digital signage. Digital signage displays were installed in the two side entrances. At the entrance doors to the teaching rooms, always up-to-date digital occupancy displays replace the weekly schedules in paper form.

Reference University of Basel, Kollegienhaus
Reference University of Basel, Kollegienhaus

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