Swissbau Innovation Lab 2020, Basel

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 21 Januar 2020

Referenzbild Swissbau Innovation Lab 2020 - Speakers Corner

This year's Swissbau trade fair in Basel took place under the motto "Trial and error - courage for something new?". As the leading trade fair for the Swiss construction and real estate industry, Swissbau is the only platform that brings together all protagonists in the sector and creates added value for all Swissbau stakeholders through thematic development.

Between January 14 and 18, 2020, the exhibition attracted numerous visitors to the exhibition grounds. Kilchenmann was once again involved this year as a Network Partner of Innovation Lab - the special show for digital transformation.

The Event & Rental Service was also present throughout the days as a technical partner and supervisor in the "Interactive iRoom tours" project, the Speakers Corner and the Networking Zone. They worked hand in hand with the customer during the planning and construction as well as the implementation and dismantling in order to achieve the best possible result.

Both the trade fair visitors and the clients were completely delighted with the result.

Referenzbild Swissbau Innovation Lab 2020 - iRoom
Referenzbild Swissbau Innovation Lab 2020 - iRoom


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