Mobiliar Arena, Gümligen

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 31 January 2019

Reference image Mobiliar Arena Gümligen, LED

The project, which was initiated by the "Bern Handball Youth Development Foundation" and financed by donations and sponsorships, serves as a modern sports centre primarily for children's and youth sports.

The Arena offers a new, extremely attractive platform for regional, national and international sporting events in the Bern area with 1500 seats, at least 500 standing places, three catering outlets, four conference rooms and a fitness room.

The infotainment equipment, implemented by Kilchenmann AG, includes two 40-metre-long LED advertising banners that run along the long sides of the pitch. One of the two advertising boards is permanently installed on the hall ceiling. The other LED banner is mobile and can be set up in front of the first row of seats along the pitch during public events. An LED screen measuring 7 x 3 metres on the south end wall enables the playback of match information, videos and advertising in the highest quality. The in-house TV system with 15 screens can be used to broadcast information, presentations, TV programmes and in-house advertising during an event.

In the operating and control room on the upper floor, the screen and sound system can be centrally controlled and optimally adapted to the respective event.

Reference image Mobiliar Arena Gümligen, LED
Reference image Mobiliar Arena Gümligen, display

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