Cost control with remote control in the DooH industry

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 17 July 2020

Digital Out of Home Advertising System

When digital out-of-home advertising systems fail, high costs can quickly arise: Through the technician, the weekend surcharge and the missing turnover. Remote Control can help here.

Remote control refers to the monitoring and repair services of electronic equipment by means of a remote maintenance system. Remote access can be used to repair and even anticipate equipment failures, which on the one hand increases the reliability of a facility and on the other hand contains costs. These remote maintenance systems can be used in various industries. In our work, this topic comes into play in digital signage and DooH advertising, and that is also what we focus on in this article.


Hidden costs in DooH and digital signage

The abbreviation DooH stands for digital-out-of-home advertising. Digital-out-of-home advertising systems are a form of digital signage, i.e. electronic advertising displays, specifically for outdoor use. This includes, for example, ad screens in public areas such as the railway station, airports and pedestrian zones.

If such an advertising system fails and there is no remote maintenance infrastructure, the costs to fix the problem multiply. A service technician has to come to the advertising site to analyse and fix the fault, which incurs costs for his travel to and from the site. If weekend or other surcharges are then possibly added, the hourly rate for on-site work quickly becomes expensive. Last but not least, you miss out on revenue during the downtime of the digital ad.


More reliability and costs under control with Remote Control

Such opportunity costs can be greatly reduced with a remote maintenance system that monitors one or more digital advertisements around the clock. It is able to detect possible future faults and optimal maintenance windows at an early stage. In case of problems, the system can also be accessed remotely without the need for a service technician to appear at the advertising location. This means that digital advertising can be broadcast 24/7 with greater reliability and at lower cost.


Case study using the example of outdoor stelae

On the topic of digital signage and remote control, GUDE Systems GmbH in cooperation with Kilchenmann AG has prepared a case study using the example of outdoor steles. In it, they explain how the costs for DooH advertising with and without remote control are made up and which technical infrastructures are necessary for remote control. Did you also know that a remote control system pays for itself after just a few months?


Download the white paper now to learn more about remote control and cost control in digital signage!

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