Consistent digitisation - at the NZZ X.Days, the topic was the programme

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 15 September 2020


The two-day conference "NZZ X.Days" is one of the most important and largest recurring events for CEOs and executives and takes place annually in Interlaken.

This year everything was different due to Covid-19 - which also presented the team from Kilchenmann Event & Rental Service with new challenges. Challenge accepted!

Digitisation has been on everyone's lips for years and this year it was not only the topic of the NZZ X.Days, but also the programme - in the truest sense of the word. The event, one of the most important and largest recurring formats for CEOs and executives, was held for the first time this year in the form of a three-day online conference. To ensure that the participants who were not present on site could also be offered the full conference experience within the framework of the digital format, the technical implementation was of enormous importance. Just the right thing for the team from Kilchenmann Event & Rental Service.


The Kilchenmann team in top form

To ensure that the hybrid event - the combination of a live format on site and an online conference - went off without a hitch, the 21-strong Kilchenmann team from the Event & Rental Service gave it their all. Project manager Martin Loosli explains the details: "The online conference consisted of a combination of live streams and pre-produced content that was fed into the online portal. Some speakers were on site, others were connected. In addition, there were - albeit few - participants. So the challenge was to produce and broadcast live at the same time - and at the same time feed in the pre-produced content or get the speakers who were not present on board at the right time." This was solved with two control rooms and two teams, whereby it also happened that one person had to take care of two things at the same time. "There were moments when I didn't know where I was for a very short time," laughs the experienced project manager.


Flexibility is the top priority in the Corona Year

"If the Corona year has taught us one thing, it is to be even more flexible," says Martin Loosli. Kilchenmann first discussed a hybrid solution with the organiser in June, but the protection concepts were still a long way off and other circumstances were also not foreseeable. Then, at the beginning of August, the final decision was made and the Kilchenmann team had just under three weeks to plan - and implement - the entire event. A masterly achievement, especially in view of the fact that many Kilchenmann employees still work partly from their home offices.


From live streaming and webcasting to audio, conference, video and lighting technology and fireworks - Kilchenmann Event & Rental Service is your trusted partner.


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