Annual General Meeting Bergbahnen Adelboden AG

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, April 09, 2024

Reference General Meeting Bergbahnen Adelboden AG

Die Bergbahnen Adelboden-Lenk AG (BAL AG) wurde 2023 durch die Fusion der Bergbahnen Adelboden AG und der Genossenschaft Lenk Bergbahnen gegründet, um ganzjährig grenzüberschreitende Bergabenteuer zu bieten.


Thanks to a long-standing and trusting partnership, Kilchenmann AG also took over responsibility for the technical planning, coordination and implementation of the Annual General Meeting of the parent company, Bergbahnen Adelboden AG, in 2024 and has done so for 20 years now.


Technical implementation:

The set-up took place one day before the event. A mobile screen measuring 450 x 260 cm, a lectern and various speakers were mounted and set up on the already prepared stage. Grey molleton was used to embellish the background.

The rest of the room was hung with black molleton to create a pleasant atmosphere. A high-quality sound system ensured optimum sound throughout the room. A projection gave the shareholders present the opportunity to follow important information and presentations.

Both the stage and hall lighting were provided and controlled by Kilchenmann.

An audio and a video technician were on site on the day of the event. An event specialist in training completed the team. Once the event was over, the equipment was immediately dismantled and transported back. A total of around two tons of event technology was installed.

Reference General Meeting Bergbahnen Adelboden AG
Reference General Meeting Bergbahnen Adelboden AG

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