Federal Palace Bern, National Council Chamber

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 19 June 2020

Reference image Federal Palace Bern, National Council Chamber

During the reconstruction and renovation of the parliament building, the sound system in the National Council Chamber was replaced and expanded by Kilchenmann.

The latest technologies were used, such as line array loudspeaker systems for the main sound reinforcement. During a modernisation in 2020, the entire audio system was renewed with a redundant design for maximum reliability. The system was planned to be networked across all halls.

The interpreting booths and audio signals can be linked to each other (NR/SR/301) to expand capacity at any time and allow for great flexibility. In order to follow the debates multilingually, a listening unit is installed at each seat of the councillors for the connection of headphones. For the guests in the hall and on the stands, the audio signals are also available via wireless infrared receivers.

A modern control room is available in each hall to control all the technical equipment. Several interfaces were planned and implemented for logging, transmission and control of the cameras as well as for the live stream.

Kilchenmann looks after the entire AV technology in the Federal Palace and guarantees one hundred percent reliability with 24-hour support and fast intervention times.

Federal Palace Bern, National Council Chamber
Reference image Federal Palace Bern, National Council Chamber

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