Dr Noyer PostParc, Berne

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 31 January 2019

Reference picture Dr. Noyer PostParc, Bern

The Dr. Noyer PostParc pharmacy was able to significantly reduce the perceived waiting time of customers with its new ticketing system.

In the Dr. Noyer PostParc pharmacy, Kilchenmann was allowed to install another ticketing system after the commissioning in the main shop on Neuengasse. Immediately after the entrance, the 8-inch touch screen with ticket printer welcomes customers. The pharmacy invites customers to linger and take a relaxed look around. Via the three clearly visible LCD screens, he is finally called to the right counter. The animations on the displays support the special interior of the pharmacy even after closing time.

Reference picture Dr. Noyer PostParc, Bern
Reference picture Dr. Noyer PostParc, Bern

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