50 years AVAG Thun, anniversary celebration

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, 21 June 2023

150 years AVAG anniversary celebration 2023, stage from the front

AVAG Umwelt AG: In 1973, 50 years ago, seven municipalities and two local companies joined forces and founded AVAG, today's leading regional waste disposal, recycling and energy company.

Appalooza productions GmbH organizes the annual Gurten Festival on Bern's local mountain, runs the Bierhübeli cultural and concert venue with around 120 public events per year and regularly stages major events.



Thanks to a long-standing partnership with Appalooza, we were awarded the contract for the technical implementation of the 50th AVAG anniversary celebrations.

On 16.6.2023, these celebrations started with a general assembly. Afterwards a free concert with Gölä and Veronica Fusaro took place. The tickets were limited to 5000 pieces and were raffled by AVAG. On 17.06.2023, an open day was held as part of the anniversary celebrations, offering the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes. With a diverse program of concerts, performances and guided tours, visitors were able to gain a comprehensive insight into the various areas of AVAG.


Technical implementation:

A tent was specially erected for the General Assembly, which was equipped with high-quality equipment by Kilchenmann. A 1.8mm LED Wall provided an impressive visual presentation and enabled participants to follow important information and presentations. A stage was set up to provide an appropriate platform for the speakers. In addition, a sound system and lighting equipment were installed and microphones were provided.

On the largest Mobile Stage in Switzerland (21x13 meters) Kilchenmann was allowed to provide the entire technical equipment. This included the installation of PA speakers, LED wall, lighting technology, microphones and cameras for the recording of Gölä.

On the Open Day, Kilchenmann provided a 16-channel people guidance system, which delivered information about the company and its activities at 16 predefined stations of the AVAG. Kilchenmann was also responsible for the entire basic power supply on the site.

A total of approx. 30 tons of event technology (without stage) was installed. At peak times, the Kilchenmann crew was on site with 30 technicians and 8 stagehands.



We use our expertise and experience to ensure that every event we manage is a complete success. We look forward to continuing to help our clients get their messages out to the world - whether through livestreams or other innovative event formats.

From consulting to conception to production, the Kilchenmann team is your professional, experienced and competent partner.

Get in touch with us

50th AVAG Anniversary Celebration - Technicians during set-up
50 years AVAG anniversary celebration - General Assembly tent from inside

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