Why video conferencing is no longer a foreign concept thanks to the smartphone

Kilchenmann Kilchenmann, February 27, 2020


Kilchenmann in the IT market Collaboration Podium with Karnan Thavam, Product Manager Collaboration.

Coen Kaat, IT-MARKT 26.02.2020

A company should be more than the sum of its parts. For this to work, collaboration between employees must be effective. Karnan Thavam, Product Manager Collaboration at Kilchenmann, explains what is needed for this and what role current trends such as augmented and virtual reality play.


What requirements do customers place on their collaboration these days?

Karnan Thavam: They want to work together regardless of location, device and time. Flexible working hours and working from home are becoming increasingly important. With the right collaboration solutions, participation in meetings and workshops is also becoming much more flexible.


In which direction is the Swiss market for collaboration solutions moving?

As a member of the GPA - a global consortium of meeting and collaboration technology specialists - we regularly exchange information with over 25 countries and partners. It is pleasing to see that the demand for collaboration solutions in Switzerland is significantly higher than in many other countries. We certainly also have the many headquarters of international companies in Switzerland to thank for this demand.


Which technological trend is currently playing the biggest role?

Thanks to the smartphone, video conferencing is no longer a foreign concept. We now want to make greater use of the many advantages, such as improved communication through video conferencing or joint editing of documents via collaboration platforms, in our day-to-day work. From a business point of view, the cost savings resulting from the elimination of travel time and the efficiency gains are extremely interesting. It also allows us to leave a much smaller ecological footprint. It is pleasing to see that most new meeting rooms are now also being equipped with cameras and microphones.


How do collaboration solutions address the increasing trend towards mobile workplaces?

The best collaboration solutions combine communication - audio and video conferencing - with various cloud applications and repositories. This gives every user the opportunity to work independently of location, device and time. The result: the place of work and working hours are no longer relevant and users can concentrate solely on their work.


How will AR and VR change the topic of collaboration?

AR and VR are further tools that will simplify collaboration. Sophisticated AR and VR solutions will revolutionize various industries. VR shopping will offer completely new opportunities in retail. AR will redefine the construction industry. Collaboration will deal with topics such as 3D video conferencing and AR workshops.


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